Simple proportions in the nose

Nose is composed of dorsum and tip. Dorsum has the bony and cartilaginous section. To reduce either of them excessively may end up with bad results such as saddle nose deformity. Or not to remove the bony hump sufficiently may end up with an aquiline nose. Not to remove the boss on the cartilage dorsum may result in a parrot’s beak. The tip should be remade as equilateral triangle placed a little higher than the dorsum. Generally, the bony dorsum should be slightly higher than the cartilage dorsum and the tip should be proportionally higher than the cartilage dorsum. There are various angles in the face, briefly naso- labial angle should be 90 degrees, and the profile angle (the angle between nose and  frontomental line) should be 35 degrees. For the nose to have a natural, in some sense, not ‘’aesthetic’’ look, we care these golden proportions a lot.

This content reflects only information, a physician consultation is recommended for the diagnosis and treatment.