Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty

Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty


This is a very common question asked? After rhinoplasty, eyeglasses can be worn a week. Since we place a splint on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty, the nose is protected from the potential damage of the eyeglasses. After the splint is removed, eyeglasses especially the ones with the large plastic frames should be avoided for 6 weeks. Because the bones newly broken and reshaped are still soft, there may be a pressure deforming the healing bones. After 6 weeks, very light eyeglasses may be used. In a long time daily use,  taping them to the forehead from time to time may secure the glasses from giving pressure to the bridge.   Since excessive lowering the nasal bridge is a process avoided in proper rhinoplasty and lighter eyeglasses are produced with technological development,    wearing eyeglasses after nose surgery does not result in permanent damages and it is not feared as before.

This content reflects only general information, please consult your physician for personalized medical advice.

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