Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetic)

Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetic)

Nose attracts attention. It is placed in the middle of the face, that's why it gives the ultimate meaning to the visage. Some dominant deformities in its shape may cause also psychological...
Tip Plasty

Tip Plasty

Tip plasty is the surgery to improve the appearance of the nasal tip. The nasal tip deformities show varieties such as wide nasal wings, flared nasal tip, drooping nose, bifid nose, asymmetrical...
Thin skin in  rhinoplasty

Thin skin in  rhinoplasty

Thin skin contains a thin subcutaneous fatty tissue layer. Even a small surgical procedure in thin skin rhinoplasty shows significant visible change on the nose. Postoperative edema and swellings are...
Rhinoplasty and thick skin

Rhinoplasty and thick skin

The skin covering the nose shows varieties in thicknesses including its connective and fatty tissue. Thick skin has an advantage for the camouflage cover of the underlying cartilage and bone...
The result of excessive hump reduction on the bony vault...

The result of excessive hump reduction on the bony vault...

The bony vault is the upper 1/3 of the nasal dorsum. It is made up of paired nasal bones. Dorsal hump deformity is described as the excessive projection of the bony nasal vault. This hump may be...
Male rhinoplasty

Male rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty among males has been popular lately. Rhinoplasty is not anymore in the monopoly of women, models, and actors anymore. To look great with self-confidence in the society, the business world...
The bruising and swellings  after rhinoplasty

The bruising and swellings after rhinoplasty

Although it varies due to the person’s tissue qualities, generally the bruising and swellings are seen after rhinoplasty surgery for a short period of time. Cold-pack application on the nose...
Nasal packings and pain after rhinoplasty

Nasal packings and pain after rhinoplasty

There will be definitely no pain after rhinoplasty, just a state of a little discomfort due to the nasal packings.Nasal packings are only used in rhinoplasty when an operation for septal deviation is...
After rhinoplasty surgery..

After rhinoplasty surgery..

After the operations; we have a few important recommendations….The precautions against swellings are important. Elevations of the head while sleeping, ice packages every 5 minutes per hour the...
What happens the day of rhinoplasty?

What happens the day of rhinoplasty?

The exact date of the rhinoplasty operation is scheduled. The patient should fast 7 hours before the operation. Otherwise, the anesthesia wouldn’t give general anesthesia to avoid a possible...
Preparation for rhinoplasty operation

Preparation for rhinoplasty operation

As you have chosen your surgeon, make sure that you have talked about all the details on your photos with the simulation programs. This consultation should satisfy both sides. The decision is made...
The operation week in rhinoplasty (early recovery period)

The operation week in rhinoplasty (early recovery period)

The rhinoplasty procedure needs a period of 1 week. If there is a problem in nasal breathing, we operate inside of the nose and this operation is called rhinoseptoplasty. In rhinoseptoplasty, we put...
The most compatible nose to the face

The most compatible nose to the face

The definition of beauty aesthetically is not easy. The harmony, beauty and mathematical proportions are the main complementary issues. Harmony should be maintained due to the skin quality, the shape...
Preoperative rhinoplasty consultations

Preoperative rhinoplasty consultations

Preoperative rhinoplasty consultations include taking photographs, analyzing these pictures on photoshop programs, endoscopic examination of the nose and informing the patients about the surgical...
Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty

Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty

Wearing eyeglasses after rhinoplasty This is a very common question asked? After rhinoplasty, eyeglasses can be worn a week. Since we place a splint on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty, the...
Sun exposure after rhinoplasty

Sun exposure after rhinoplasty

In general, excessive sun exposure is harmful to the skin. The ultraviolet damage leads to sun spots, deepen the lines and the most important of all increases the risk of skin cancer. After the...
Rhinoplasty in the summertime

Rhinoplasty in the summertime

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that can be done at any time. Our general advice to the patient is to choose the most available and comfortable time for himself or herself. On the contrary to general...
Crooked nose

Crooked nose

The crooked nose is the deviation of the nose to one side. It is generally due to trauma or birth defect. Nose aesthetic is the only surgery to correct this deviation. The crooked nose in childhood...
The nasolabial angle and columella-lobular angle

The nasolabial angle and columella-lobular angle

The nasolabial angle reflects the angle between the upper lip and the columella. A normal nasolabial angle in males is 90-95 degrees and in females is 100-105 degrees. This angle shows nasal tip...
Supratip break point

Supratip break point

This is the slightly depressed area in the most inferior section of the dorsum just superior to the tip. There is a slight angle in this area distinguishing the dorsum from the tip. This is the...
Angle of Divergence

Angle of Divergence

Tip domes are the projected areas where the lower lateral alar cartilages intersect with the medial columellar cartilages. The angle of divergence is the angle between these two domes of the tip....
Tip defining points

Tip defining points

The tip defining points are the very anterior projection of the tip cartilages. There is one point on each side of the tip. They should be symmetrical. They produce a light reflex on the tip looking...
Polly-beak deformity

Polly-beak deformity

Polly- beak deformity refers to a nose and tip resembling a parrot's beak. It is either congenital or results from prior rhinoplasty surgery. There is an excess prominence in the supratip area of...
Saddle-nose deformity

Saddle-nose deformity

Saddle – nose is a deformity defining the dorsal depression on the middle vault of the nose. It is mostly acquired. External trauma to the nose or inappropriate rhinoseptoplasty surgery damage...
 Nasal Dorsal Hump

 Nasal Dorsal Hump

A nasal hump is a bump made up of bone and cartilage on the bridge of the nose. If this hump is small, a minimal rasping is generally enough. But with large humps, the bridge of the nose looks wide....
Any loss of smell with rhinoplasty?

Any loss of smell with rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty and especially after rhinoseptoplasty (where septum deviation is also corrected), it is quite normal to have a loss of smell for up to 4-6 weeks. It is due to the swelling of the...
Is there any breathing difficulty after rhinoplasty?

Is there any breathing difficulty after rhinoplasty?

Breathing problem is normal after 1 - 2 weeks after rhinoplasty due to swellings. This is not a permanent problem. To weaken the supportive cartilage tissue on the lateral sides for making a finer...
The question of scar tissue in open rhinoplasty

The question of scar tissue in open rhinoplasty

Lately, because open rhinoplasty is preferred mostly, noticeable scar tissue may be questioned by the patients. There is no external incision in a closed rhinoplasty. In open rhinoplasty, there is a...
Rhinoplasty in patients coming from other cities or countries..

Rhinoplasty in patients coming from other cities or countries..

It has been easy for patients to reach their doctors from all around the world through social media. In this case, it is recommended to visit us 1 day before the surgery. We become acquainted with...
Does the tip drop after rhinoplasty?

Does the tip drop after rhinoplasty?

Droopy nose is one of the most important reasons for having a rhinoplasty operation. That's why the patients may question re-dropping of the tip after the operation. The proportions on the nose...
Rasping nasal dorsum

Rasping nasal dorsum

When there is a hump on the bony vault, the nose looks as aquiline. Cutting with osteotomies, reducing with piezo or rasping are the methods to reduce this bony hump in rhinoplasty. Hump reduction...
Different nose types

Different nose types

Lately Turkish doctors have been very popular in rhinoplasty. We have patients from various countries. The doctors being well specialized in rhinoplasty, the prices being agreeable and the hospital...
What kind of an operation is rhinoplasty for the doctors?

What kind of an operation is rhinoplasty for the doctors?

You may answer this question as all the operations should be in general the same. But, no! Rhinoplasty is an exciting privileged surgery.. Why? Because every nose has its own specific characteristics...
Simple proportions in the nose

Simple proportions in the nose

Nose is composed of dorsum and tip. Dorsum has the bony and cartilaginous section. To reduce either of them excessively may end up with bad results such as saddle nose deformity. Or not to remove the...
Upper airway infection and rhinoplasty

Upper airway infection and rhinoplasty

Upper airway infection with symptoms such as running nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough is an indication of delaying rhinoplasty operation. The anesthesia does not prefer this condition, the surgeon...
Open or closed rhinoplasty….

Open or closed rhinoplasty….

The main differences between the open and the closed rhinoplasty is that in the open rhinoplasty there is an external incision on the columella reaching the tip and the dorsum easily. In the closed...
Rhinoplasty and emotional stability

Rhinoplasty and emotional stability

To be emotionally stable when deciding for rhinoplasty reduces the person's stress, comforts the doctor performing the surgery and increases the surgery's success. The family and friends...
Age limits for rhinoplasty

Age limits for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty needs maturity for both physical and emotional. If rhinoplasty is performed in a period when the growth continues, then it may disrupt the growth of the facial and the nasal bones ending...
Is nose bleeding a problem in rhinoplasty?

Is nose bleeding a problem in rhinoplasty?

Nose is rich in various capillary networks. That 's why it easily bleeds due to trauma, changes in weather, infections and systemic problems like hypertension and hematologic diseases. In case...
Is rhinoplasty a painful operation?

Is rhinoplasty a painful operation?

Although we use very fine instruments during the operation, rhinoplasty may be fearsome, because there is a process of breaking the nose. After the operation, there is a period of discomfort, but...
The operations that can be combined with rhinoplasty; rhinoplasty and otoplasty

The operations that can be combined with rhinoplasty; rhinoplasty and otoplasty

For a face to look nice with a well-done rhinoplasty, it should be lack of other deformities. Prominent ears are one of them. If a single or both ears protrude laterally, then prominent ears attract...
 The operations that can be combined with rhinoplasty; rhinoplasty and mentoplasty

The operations that can be combined with rhinoplasty; rhinoplasty and mentoplasty

For rhinoplasty operation to look successful, the shape and the position of the chin become important. If the chin is way behind a vertical plane dropped from the vermilion of the lower lip, it...