The nasolabial angle and columella-lobular angle

The nasolabial angle reflects the angle between the upper lip and the columella. A normal nasolabial angle in males is 90-95 degrees and in females is 100-105 degrees. This angle shows nasal tip rotation. Patients with a drooping tip have a nasolabial angle that is sharper than expected. Patients with the tip strongly rotated ( a ‘pig nose’ deformity) have a nasolabial angle that is greater than ideal. Columella- lobular angle is the angle between the columella and the inferior part of the tip (infratip lobule). The ideal columellar lobular angle is 30 to 45 degrees. In rhinoplasty, these angles are respected to achieve a good nose job.

This content reflects only information, physician consultation is recommended for the diagnosis and treatment.