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Simple operations of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

Simple operations of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

Nose surgeries


-Septoplasty: This is the removal of deviated cartilaginous and bony portions of the nasal septum


-Inferior turbinoplasty: Surgical reduction of the inferior turbinates


-RF turbinoplasy: Volumetric reduction of the inferior turbinates with RF energy (high-frequency electric current)


Soft palate surgeries


-Anterior palatoplasty: Stripping rectangular mucosa on the anterior palatal surface and suturing with a resorbable material. This stiffens the soft palate.


-Lateral sphincter pharyngoplasty:  Incision of the posterior pillar of the tonsils and attaching them to the arching fibers of the soft palate. This widens the pharynx laterally.


-RF of the soft palate: Stiffening the soft palate by using RF energy



Pharynx surgeries



-Tonsillectomy: Elevation of hypertrophied and obstructed tonsils


-RF tonsillotomy: Volumetric reduction of the tonsils by using RF. (high-frequency electric current )




The decision of the ideal technique to cure obstructive sleep apnea and snoring is carried out by the surgeon.


This content reflects only information, physician consultation is recommended for the diagnosis and treatment.